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High-level international relations

Inter­na­ti­o­nal rela­tions at the Hun­ga­ri­an Pro­se­cu­ti­on Ser­vi­ce are orga­ni­sed by the Depart­ment of Inter­na­ti­o­nal and Euro­pe­an Affa­irs.

The Department’s acti­vi­ti­es inc­lu­de:


main­tain­ing clas­sic dip­lo­ma­tic rela­tions,


pro­vi­ding trans­la­tions,


per­form­ing tasks rela­ted to inter­na­ti­o­nal con­fe­ren­ces and train­ings.

The Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral has mee­tings on regu­lar basis with:


the Pro­se­cu­tors Gene­ral of the neigh­bou­ring count­ri­es,


the Pro­se­cu­tors Gene­ral of the EU Mem­ber Sta­tes, and,


non-EU (Viet­na­me­se, Chi­ne­se, Cuban, Rus­si­an) Pro­se­cu­tors Gene­ral.

The Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral has mee­tings on regu­lar basis with:


the Pro­se­cu­tors Gene­ral of the neigh­bou­ring count­ri­es,


the Pro­se­cu­tors Gene­ral of the EU Mem­ber Sta­tes, and,


non-EU (Viet­na­me­se, Chi­ne­se, Cuban, Rus­si­an) Pro­se­cu­tors Gene­ral.

Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral Péter Polt regu­larly par­ti­ci­pa­tes in inter­na­ti­o­nal con­fe­ren­ces and mee­tings, and gives pro­fes­si­o­nal lec­tu­res in Eng­lish. He pla­ces great emp­ha­sis on buil­ding inter­na­ti­o­nal rela­tions.

Thus from 2004 to 2006 Peter Polt was the Vice-President of the Con­sul­ta­tive Coun­cil of Euro­pe­an Pro­se­cu­tors (CCPE) of the Coun­cil of Euro­pe.

In 2005 the Pro­se­cu­tor General’s Con­fe­ren­ce of the Mem­ber Sta­tes of the Coun­cil of Euro­pe was orga­ni­sed by the Hun­ga­ri­an Pro­se­cu­ti­on Ser­vi­ce in Buda­pest where the Buda­pest Guide­li­nes also known as the “Euro­pe­an Guide­li­nes on Ethics and Con­duct for Pub­lic Pro­se­cu­tors” were adop­ted.

In May 2011 Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral Péter Polt was elec­ted to the posit­i­on of Pres­ident of the Net­work of Pub­lic Pro­se­cu­tors or equ­i­va­lent ins­ti­tu­tions at the Sup­re­me Judi­ci­al Courts of the Mem­ber Sta­tes of the Euro­pe­an Union. Conc­lu­ding the one-year pres­idency, the Network's annu­al con­fe­ren­ce was held in May 2012 in Buda­pest.

The Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral wel­co­med the Pro­se­cu­tors Gene­ral of the Viseg­rad Group (the Czech Repub­lic, the Repub­lic of Poland, the Slo­vak Repub­lic and Hun­gary) in 2014 in Bala­ton­lel­le and in 2018 in Viseg­rád.

In 2014 Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral Péter Polt was appoin­ted Hono­rary Pres­ident of the Rese­arch Cent­re for Euro­pe­an Cri­mi­nal Law at the Ins­ti­tu­te of Law wit­hin the Shang­hai Aca­demy of Soci­al Sci­en­ces.

In addi­ti­on to main­tain­ing high-level rela­tions, the deve­lop­ment of expert-level bila­te­ral rela­tions is emp­has­i­zed as well. Coope­ra­ti­on is also close with the county and regi­o­nal chief pro­se­cu­tors of neigh­bou­ring count­ri­es, as well as with the Pro­se­cu­ti­on Ser­vi­ce of Rus­sia.

International legal associations and organisations with the membership of the Hungarian Prosecution Service

  • Coun­cil of Euro­pe Euro­pe­an Com­mis­si­on for the Effi­ci­ency of Jus­ti­ce (CEPEJ):
    con­sisting of experts from the 47 Mem­ber Sta­tes of the Coun­cil of Euro­pe. It aims to eva­lu­a­te the ope­ra­ti­on of juris­dic­ti­on wit­hin the Mem­ber Sta­tes and to enco­u­rage reforms. Hun­gary is rep­re­sen­ted at CEPEJ by the Depart­ment of Inter­na­ti­o­nal and Euro­pe­an Affa­irs of the Pro­se­cu­tor General’s Offi­ce.
    Web­site: https://www.coe.int/en/web/cepej
  • Con­sul­ta­tive Coun­cil of Euro­pe­an Pro­se­cu­tors (CCPE):
    is the advi­sory board of the Com­mit­tee of Minis­ters of the Coun­cil of Euro­pe. Its task is to con­ti­nu­o­usly moni­tor the role of the pro­se­cu­ti­on ser­vi­ces. Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral Péter Polt is per­so­nally invol­ved in the work of the CCPE.
    Web­site: https://www.coe.int/en/web/ccpe
  • Com­mit­tee of Experts on the Eva­lu­a­ti­on of Anti-Money Laun­der­ing Mea­sures and the Financ­ing of Ter­ror­ism (MONEYVAL):
    as per­ma­nent super­vi­sory body of the Coun­cil of Euro­pe, its pur­po­se is to fight aga­inst money laun­der­ing and ter­ror­ism financ­ing. MONEYVAL exa­mi­nes the mem­ber sta­tes’ eff­orts and analy­ses the con­ti­nu­ally rene­wing met­hods of the field. Pro­se­cu­tors of Hun­gary are active par­ti­ci­pants of the group’s work.
    Web­site: https://www.coe.int/en/web/moneyval
  • Group of Sta­tes aga­inst Cor­rupt­ion (GRECO):
    as per­ma­nent super­vi­sory body of the Coun­cil of Euro­pe, its pur­po­se is to fight aga­inst cor­rupt­ion. GRECO, invol­ving the work of Hun­ga­ri­an pro­se­cu­tors, regu­larly super­vi­ses the mem­ber sta­tes’ anti-corruption prac­ti­ces, and pub­lis­hes the expe­ri­en­ces.
    Web­page: https://www.coe.int/en/web/greco
  • Net­work of Pro­se­cu­tors Gene­ral and Equ­i­va­lent Ins­ti­tu­tions in Sup­re­me Courts of the Euro­pe­an Union (NADAL-network):
    the aim of the asso­ci­a­ti­on is to dis­cuss issues rela­ted to Euro­pe­an case law and the deci­sions of sup­re­me courts of the Mem­ber Sta­tes.
    Web­site: https://www.prokuratuur.ee/nadal/insight-nadal-network
  • The Con­sul­ta­tive Forum of Pro­se­cu­tors Gene­ral and Direc­tors of Pub­lic Pro­se­cu­tions of the Mem­ber Sta­tes of the Euro­pe­an Union:
    is an infor­mal coope­ra­ti­on among the Pro­se­cu­tors Gene­ral of the Mem­ber Sta­tes. In gene­ral they assemb­le twice a year with the cont­ri­bu­ti­on of EUROJUST in the Hague, in the Net­her­lands.
    Web­site: http://www.eurojust.europa.eu/Practitioners/networks-and-fora/consultative-forum/Pages/forum-prosecutors-general-and-directors-public-prosecution.aspx
  • The Viseg­rád Group:
    is the regi­o­nal coope­ra­ti­on bet­ween the Check Repub­lic, the Repub­lic of Poland, the Slo­vak Repub­lic and Hun­gary. The ori­gin of the name refers to the Cita­del of Viseg­rád, which was the seat of the Hun­ga­ri­an kings when the Polish, Czech and Hun­ga­ri­an kings held a sum­mit there in 1335. The Pro­se­cu­tors Gene­ral of the Viseg­rád Group met for the first time in 2012 and since meet annu­ally. The pur­po­se of the mee­tings is to dis­cuss cur­rent topics affec­ting their respec­tive orga­ni­sa­tions.