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For the con­tact deta­ils of the pro­se­cu­ti­on offi­ces, ple­a­se see the “Pro­se­cu­ti­on Offi­ces” sec­ti­on of the web­site.

Sub­mis­sions may be sent to the com­pe­tent pro­se­cu­ti­on offi­ce or infor­ma­ti­on may be


via email,


thro­ugh the offi­ci­al Hun­ga­ri­an Cli­ent Gatew­ay Sys­tem,


by post,


sub­mis­sions can be pla­ced in the mail­bo­xes loca­ted at the pro­se­cu­ti­on offi­ces.

All sub­mis­sions will be asses­sed.

Sub­mis­sions rece­i­ved via e-mail will be exa­mi­ned by the pro­se­cu­ti­on offi­ce label­led as the reci­pi­ent of the e-mail.

If seve­ral pro­se­cu­ti­on offi­ces were added as reci­pi­ents, the firs­tly added pro­se­cu­ti­on offi­ce has the duty and res­pon­si­bi­lity to look into the cont­ent of the e-mail. The addi­ti­o­nal pro­se­cu­ti­on offi­ces are not obli­ged to take acti­on.

Simil­arly, no acti­on will be taken if the reci­pi­ent of the e-mail can­not be iden­ti­fi­ed or the e-mail was not sent to the offi­ci­al e-mail add­ress of the offi­ce.