The Network of Public Prosecutors or equivalent institutions at the Supreme Judicial Courts of the Member States of the European Union (Nadal Network) held their 15th Conference in Luxembourg on 27-28th May 2024. Dr. Péter Polt, Prosecutor General of Hungary has taken over the presidential duties, as he was unanimously elected earlier as President of the Nadal Network.
The objective of the Nadal Network, founded in 2009, is to provide a forum and opportunity for leaders of the highest level prosecution offices in the Member States of the European Union to share their expertise and professional experience.
It is a high honour for the Prosecution Service of Hungary that Dr. Péter Polt, Prosecutor General of Hungary has been elected as President of the Network, and at the 14th Conference he announced that the Office of the Prosecutor General of Hungary will have the privilege to host members of the Nadal Network in Budapest in May 2025.
Presentations at the 14th Conference focused on cooperation with the EPPO, legal issues of using electronic data in criminal cases, as well as on the fight against fraud. Participants of the event also reviewed the functions, work and achievements of Eurojust. In his presentation, Dr. Péter Polt, Prosecutors General gave an overview of the highly efficient work of the Hungarian National Desk at Eurojust.
At the Conference, Dr. Péter Polt and Laura Codruta Kövesi, European Chief Prosecutor also held a separate, bilateral consultation, and both of them evaluated the cooperation between the two prosecution authorities, which was formalized and confirmed in a working arrangement in April 2021, as effective. During their talks, Dr. Péter Polt invited the European Chief Prosecutor to a bilateral meeting in Budapest, which Ms. Kövesi accepted.
Our short video inviting members of the Nadal Network to next year’s conference and introducing the Prosecution Service of Hungary can be watched at the following link.