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The Pro­se­cu­ti­on Ser­vi­ce of Hun­gary is cele­b­rat­ing its 150th anni­ver­sary this year. The Offi­ce of the Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral has orga­ni­zed an inter­na­ti­o­nal con­fe­ren­ce in hono­ur of the event, which the Pro­se­cu­tors Gene­ral and Deputy Pro­se­cu­tors Gene­ral of the Viseg­rád Four Group, Aust­ria and the Pres­ident of the Euro­just were invi­ted to. The topic of the con­fe­ren­ce was the fight aga­inst cyberc­ri­me and cor­rupt­ion.

 At a pre-conference mee­ting, the Pro­se­cu­tors Gene­ral adop­ted a joint Memo­ran­dum reaf­fir­ming their close coope­ra­ti­on to take joint actions aga­inst forms of cyberc­ri­me that became pre­va­lent during the pan­de­mic, such as child por­no­gra­phy, online fraud and attacks aga­inst vital inf­ra­struc­tu­re.

Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral Péter Polt ope­ned the con­fe­ren­ce, and he was fol­lo­wed by Pres­ident of the Repub­lic János Áder, who emp­has­i­zed that modern jus­ti­ce came into exis­ten­ce in Hun­gary in 1871, where the triad of pro­se­cu­ti­on, defen­se and adju­di­ca­ti­on was sepa­ra­ted. The Pres­ident of the Repub­lic high­ligh­ted that the Fun­da­men­tal Law of Hun­gary regu­lates the cons­ti­tu­ti­o­nal sta­tus of the Pro­se­cu­ti­on Ser­vi­ce with detai­led rules. In his spe­ech, he sta­ted that today's Pro­se­cu­ti­on Ser­vi­ce plays a sig­ni­fi­cant role in ensuring lega­lity and enfor­cing rights both ins­ide and out­si­de cri­mi­nal law. 

In his spe­ech ope­ning the con­fe­ren­ce, Péter Polt gave an over­view of the place taken by the Pro­se­cu­ti­on Ser­vi­ce of Hun­gary wit­hin the judi­ciary from 1871 to the pre­sent day. The Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral of Hun­gary has dri­ven attent­ion to the fact that the pro­tec­ti­on of pub­lic finan­ces is a pri­ma­ry task, which often requ­i­res close inter­na­ti­o­nal coope­ra­ti­on. The Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral emp­has­i­zed that the investiga­ti­on of offi­ci­al cor­rupt­ion cri­mes in Hun­gary is car­ried out by a sepa­ra­te orga­ni­za­ti­o­nal unit wit­hin the Pro­se­cu­ti­on Ser­vi­ce, which is the Cent­ral Chief Pro­se­cu­ti­on Offi­ce of Investiga­ti­on. He also poin­ted out that the epi­de­mic situ­a­ti­on high­ligh­ted the role of IT in inf­lu­enc­ing every­day work.

The Proc­ura­tor Gene­ral of Aust­ria, Franz Plöchl pre­sen­ted the Aust­ri­an regu­la­ti­on of cor­rupt­ion cri­mes and he spoke about the changes and results of the recent years. He high­ligh­ted the est­ab­lish­ment of a spe­ci­al pub­lic prosecutor's offi­ce dea­ling with cor­rupt­ion and eco­no­mic cri­mes wit­hin the uni­fi­ed pro­se­cu­ti­on ser­vi­ce, which has bro­ught a new app­ro­ach to dea­ling with such cases.

The Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral of Slo­va­kia Maroš Žilin­ka accen­tu­a­ted the use­ful­ness of a  sepa­ra­te prosecutor's offi­ce and a court to investiga­te cor­rupt­ion cases. In his pre­s­en­ta­ti­on, he ment­ion­ed the means that gre­atly faci­li­ta­te the effec­tive investiga­ti­on of cor­rupt­ion in Slo­va­kia, such as the pos­si­bi­lity of invol­ving a civil per­son in a covert pro­ce­du­re.

Bog­dan Święcz­kows­ki Deputy Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral of Poland expla­ined about the Polish solu­ti­on that spe­ci­al depart­ments had been set up wit­hin the pro­se­cu­ti­on ser­vi­ce to hand­le cor­rupt­ion and cyberc­ri­me cases. By iden­ti­fying areas that are most affec­ted by cor­rupt­ion, ela­bo­rat­ing on the most effec­tive means of acti­on and pre­sent­ing a few cases, the Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral of Poland out­li­ned the Polish expe­ri­en­ces.  

Pavel Zeman Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral of the Czech Repub­lic repor­ted about a dras­tic inc­re­a­se in cyberc­ri­mes. During the time of the pan­de­mic pre­vi­o­usly unty­pi­cal ran­som­eware appeared such as the ones attac­king health­ca­re pro­vi­ders. Mr. Zeman high­ligh­ted the impor­tance of revie­wing and cons­ider­ing EU and nati­o­nal regu­la­tions regard­ing the coll­ec­ti­on and admis­si­bi­lity of electro­nic data and electro­nic evi­den­ce.

Ist­ván Laj­tár Deputy Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral of Hun­gary also emp­has­i­zed in his pre­s­en­ta­ti­on that the infi­nity of the inter­net requ­i­res new cri­mi­nal pro­ce­dural tools, as pro­ving cri­mes mostly reli­es on dig­ital data, and sear­ch­ing for and record­ing such data in a way that enab­les them to be used as admis­sib­le evi­den­ce pose new chal­len­ges.

Ladis­lav Ham­ran, Pres­ident of the Euro­just greeted Hun­ga­ri­an pro­se­cu­tors on this land­mark anni­ver­sary, wish­ing them hum­b­le­ness, loyal­ty and much pati­en­ce to their sig­ni­fi­cant work car­ried out for the safety of Hun­ga­ri­an citi­zens. The Pres­ident of the Euro­just accen­tu­a­ted that the world had chang­ed a lot since 1871 with five bil­li­on active inter­net users send­ing 300 bil­li­on e-mails a day nowa­days and with cri­mi­nals com­mitt­ing their acts in an orga­ni­zed, glo­bal way. Pres­ident Ham­ran also emp­has­i­zed that cri­mi­nal coope­ra­ti­on wit­hin the Euro­pe­an Union had never been as close as in the last 20 years, and that Hun­ga­ri­an pro­se­cu­tors had been active and reli­ab­le par­ti­ci­pants of this joint work since 2004.

The con­fe­ren­ce, which pro­vi­ded an over­view of the expe­ri­en­ces and prac­ti­ces of the pro­se­cu­ti­on ser­vi­ces of the neigh­bou­ring count­ri­es, was clos­ed by the sum­ma­ry spe­ech deli­ve­red by Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral Péter Polt.

Péter Polt and Ladis­lav Ham­ran also held bila­te­ral neg­o­ti­a­tions. They for­mu­la­ted a com­mon posit­i­on that coope­ra­ti­on, which has pro­ven to be succ­ess­ful so far, needs to be con­ti­nu­ed, beca­u­se this gua­ran­te­es for nati­o­nal pro­se­cu­ti­on ser­vi­ces effec­tive joint coope­ra­ti­on and fight aga­inst new forms of crime. They also agreed on the need to furt­her strengt­hen the role of the Euro­just in the fra­me­work of Euro­pe­an coope­ra­ti­on.