Home » News » The annual conference of the NADAL Network will be held in Budapest next year

This year marks the 15th anni­ver­sary of the Nadal Net­work, which has been pro­vi­ding an oppor­tunity for the heads of the Pro­se­cu­ti­on Ser­vi­ces at the hig­hest level in the Euro­pe­an Union to exc­han­ge pro­fes­si­o­nal expe­ri­en­ce since 2009.

The con­fe­ren­ce in Luxem­bourg this year is an event of major impor­tance for the Pro­se­cu­ti­on Ser­vi­ce of Hun­gary, as Hun­gary will have the ple­a­sure to host par­ti­ci­pants of the Nadal Net­work next year.

With our Eng­lish speak­ing short film, we would like to invi­te the par­ti­ci­pants of the Net­work to Buda­pest in 2025 and we also like to grab the oppor­tunity to int­ro­du­ce shortly our Pro­se­cu­ti­on Ser­vi­ce.