Home » News » The Prosecutors General of the Visegrád Group States held a meeting for the 12th time

Coope­ra­ti­on among the Offi­ces of the Pro­se­cu­tors Gene­ral of the Viseg­rad Group Sta­tes has pro­ven to be highly impor­tant, con­ti­nu­o­us and unin­ter­rup­ted for seve­ral years. The two main topics dis­cus­sed at this year’s mee­ting in Łódź, Poland were the impact of digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on of cri­mi­nal pro­ce­e­dings on the cross-border pro­se­cu­ti­on of crime and judi­ci­al coope­ra­ti­on with third count­ri­es in cri­mi­nal mat­ters.

The mee­ting with a long tra­di­ti­on was held in Łódź on 14-16 May 2024, and it was atten­ded by Adam Bod­nar, Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral of the Repub­lic of Poland, who was host­ing the event, as well as by dele­ga­tions led by Maroš Žilin­ka, Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral of the Slo­vak Repub­lic, Igor Stříž, Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral of the Czech Repub­lic and Dr. Péter Polt, Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral of Hun­gary.

The two main topics dis­cus­sed at the event were the impact of digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on of cri­mi­nal pro­ce­e­dings on the cross-border pro­se­cu­ti­on of crime and judi­ci­al coope­ra­ti­on with third count­ri­es in cri­mi­nal mat­ters.

The Pro­se­cu­tors Gene­ral of the Viseg­rad Group Sta­tes una­ni­mously dec­la­red that the use of modern tech­no­logy in pro­se­cu­tors’ work sig­ni­fi­cantly imp­ro­ves the dyna­mics of pro­ce­e­dings and the­reby inc­re­as­es the effi­ci­ency of the fight aga­inst crime. At the same time, they called for the need of inter­ope­ra­bi­lity with the IT sys­tems of courts and the poli­ce.

The Pro­se­cu­tors Gene­ral high­ligh­ted that coope­ra­ti­on among the cri­mi­nal judi­ci­al aut­ho­ri­ti­es of their count­ri­es as well as with other Mem­bers Sta­tes of the EU is excel­lent. They, howe­ver, iden­ti­fi­ed simil­ar prob­lems con­cer­ning the coope­ra­ti­on with third count­ri­es.

At the end of the mee­ting, the Pro­se­cu­tors Gene­ral of the Viseg­rad Group Sta­tes sign­ed the Łódź Dec­la­ra­ti­on, exp­r­es­sing their com­mit­ment to strengt­he­ning their coope­ra­ti­on and uphol­ding Euro­pe­an stan­dards in the work of pro­se­cu­ti­on aut­ho­ri­ti­es. 

Since 2012, the Pro­se­cu­tors Gene­ral of the Viseg­rad Group Sta­tes have met in dif­fe­rent V4 count­ri­es each year to share their expe­ri­en­ces about the pro­se­cu­ti­on of cri­mes – inc­lu­ding, in par­ti­cu­lar, seri­o­us, cross-border cri­mes – and to make joint ini­ti­a­ti­ves regard­ing the imp­ro­ve­ment of the work of pro­se­cu­ti­on aut­ho­ri­ti­es.