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Főoldal » Archív » Press release - Chief Public Prosecutor's Office of Csongrád

The Pub­lic Prosecutor's Offi­ce of Sze­ged orde­red an investiga­ti­on aga­inst the came­ra­wo­man who, based on the cur­rently ava­i­lab­le data, com­mit­ted an offen­ce aga­inst mig­rants on 8th Sep­tem­ber 2015 at the mig­rant coll­ec­ti­on point in Röszke.
The Chief Pub­lic Prosecutor's Offi­ce of Csong­rád rece­i­ved a com­p­la­int on Wed­nes­day. Accord­ing to the com­p­la­int the came­ra­wo­man who had been film­ing at site for a tele­vi­si­on sta­ti­on, assaul­ted mig­rants, inc­lu­ding a child.
The Chief Pub­lic Prosecutor's Offi­ce of Csong­rád for­war­ded the com­p­la­int to the Pub­lic Prosecutor's Offi­ce of Sze­ged which had the legal com­pe­ten­ce to make the deci­si­on regard­ing the complaint.
The Pub­lic Prosecutor's Offi­ce of Sze­ged - based on the data ava­i­lab­le in the com­p­la­int - today orde­red an investiga­ti­on in pub­lic nui­sance. The Poli­ce Depart­ment of Sze­ged will con­duct the investiga­ti­on under the close super­vi­si­on of the Pub­lic Prosecutor's Offi­ce of Szeged.
In the cour­se of the investiga­ti­on the aut­ho­ri­ti­es will est­ab­lish whet­her a more seri­o­us crime was realized.
The Pub­lic Prosecutor's Offi­ce of Sze­ged took the neces­sary mea­sures to ensure that the investiga­ti­on would be con­duc­ted at the earliest.