Dear visitor,
The duty of the Prosecution Service of Hungary for the last 150 years has been to secure safety and to ensure the laws of Hungarian society.
To be a prosecutor is not only an occupation, but also a profession: an exciting and diverse but often challenging one. Our aim is to guarantee that acts harmful to social co-existence have legal consequences and by punishing perpetrators to provide some form of remedies and protection for the victims of crime.
On our website, among others, we deliver the latest news, give some practical information about the activities of the Prosecution Service and provide the contact details of Prosecution Offices.
The main aim of our website is to make our goals, our work and our achievements accessible to the general public as public service has always been the primary task of the Prosecution Service and will continue to be so in the future.
The European Commission has published its annual Rule of Law Report, which contains a number of inaccuracies and untruths concerning the Prosecution Service of Hungary. In order to provide the public with correct and credible…
2024. July 30., 10:06
Dr. Péter Polt, Prosecutor General of Hungary has taken over the presidential duties, as he was unanimously elected earlier as President of the Nadal Network.
2024. June 27., 9:43
Criminal investigations are ongoing in fifteen cases, and no decisions closing the investigations have been made yet.
2024. June 26., 9:41