Home » News » Press release on Prosecutor General Dr Péter Polt’s visit to Vietnam

At the invi­ta­ti­on of Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral Le Minh Tri - in return for the visit of the Viet­na­me­se Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral to Hun­gary in April 2019 - Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral Dr. Péter Polt made an offi­ci­al visit to Viet­nam bet­ween 31 Octo­ber and 5 Novem­ber 2023. During their mee­ting, Dr. Péter Polt and Le Minh Tri sign­ed an addi­ti­o­nal pro­to­col to the coope­ra­ti­on agree­ment bet­ween the two count­ri­es' pro­se­cu­ti­on ser­vi­ces. Dr. Péter Polt was also rece­i­ved by the Pres­ident of Viet­nam, Vo Van Thu­ong, who app­re­cia­ted the train­ing of Viet­na­me­se pro­se­cu­tors in Hun­gary as an impor­tant step.

The Hun­ga­ri­an and the Viet­na­me­se Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral sign­ed a bila­te­ral agree­ment on 29 June 2010 in Buda­pest, among other things on the exc­han­ge of pro­fes­si­o­nal expe­ri­en­ce and the exten­si­on of coope­ra­ti­on to inc­lu­ding furt­her train­ing to imp­ro­ve the law enfor­ce­ment skills of pro­se­cu­tors.

During the neg­o­ti­a­ti­on of the Viet­na­me­se Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral in Buda­pest in April 2019, the Par­ti­es sign­ed an addi­ti­o­nal pro­to­col on the deta­ils of the train­ing.

On this basis, in the aca­de­mic years 2020/2021 and 2021/2022, 10-10 Viet­na­me­se pro­se­cu­tors were offe­red the oppor­tunity to par­ti­ci­pa­te in post­gra­du­a­te legal train­ing in Hun­gary.

The two-semester English-language train­ing - the ins­ti­tu­ti­o­nal backg­round of which was pro­vi­ded by the Deák Ferenc Ins­ti­tu­te of the Faculty of Law and Poli­ti­cal Sci­en­ces of Páz­mány Péter Catho­lic Uni­ver­sity - focu­s­ed on the know­ledge of cyberc­ri­me, cor­rupt­ion and money laun­der­ing, inc­lu­ding the detec­ti­on and jud­ge­ment of these cri­mes.

The Offi­ce of the Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral, thro­ugh its sci­en­ti­fic and rese­arch ins­ti­tu­te, the Nati­o­nal Ins­ti­tu­te of Cri­mi­no­logy (OKRI), has pro­vi­ded sig­ni­fi­cant tech­ni­cal assis­tance to the train­ing. In addi­ti­on to the deve­lop­ment of the cur­ri­cu­lum, Hun­ga­ri­an pro­se­cu­tors and rese­ar­chers have also been engag­ed in ongo­ing tea­ch­ing acti­vi­ti­es.

Expe­ri­en­ce has demonst­ra­ted the une­qu­i­vo­cal succ­ess of the train­ing. With this in mind, the Hun­ga­ri­an and the Viet­na­me­se Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral sign­ed a new addi­ti­o­nal pro­to­col to the coope­ra­ti­on agree­ment on 1 Novem­ber 2023. As a result, more Viet­na­me­se pro­se­cu­tor col­le­agues will have the oppor­tunity to par­ti­ci­pa­te in the train­ing over the next two aca­de­mic years.

On 2nd Novem­ber, the Pres­ident of Viet­nam, Vo Van Thu­ong, who high­ligh­ted the fri­ends­hip bet­ween the two peoples, recal­ling that it is now five years since Hungarian-Vietnamese rela­tions have rea­ched the level of strategic part­ner­s­hip, also rece­i­ved Dr. Péter Polt. He also praised the coope­ra­ti­on bet­ween their pro­se­cu­ti­on ser­vi­ces, which was also app­re­cia­ted by Dr. Péter Polt as effec­tive, and he under­li­ned the impor­tance of the train­ing of Viet­na­me­se pro­se­cu­tors in Hun­gary.