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Par­ti­ci­pants have the oppor­tunity to deepen their know­ledge in com­bat­t­ing cyberc­ri­me with an online train­ing sup­port­ed by pro­ject HELP of @coe. The rich mate­ri­al of the train­ing was furt­her comp­le­men­ted by the Pro­se­cu­ti­on Ser­vi­ce with the rele­vant nati­o­nal law and good prac­ti­ces.

The cour­se was ope­ned by the Offi­ce of the Pro­se­cu­tor General's rep­re­s­en­ta­ti­ves and atten­ded by rep­re­s­en­ta­ti­ves of the Coun­cil of Euro­pe. The prog­rame is atten­ded by 26 pro­se­cu­tors, 5 jud­ges and 5 lawyers, who will have to comp­le­te con­ti­nu­o­us tests thro­ug­ho­ut the cour­se to check their know­ledge.

You can see pictures of the participants at the help conference price.