Home » News » Press Release on the meeting between Prosecutor General Dr. Péter Polt, and the Prosecutor General of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Mohamed Shawky Ayad

On 8th Novem­ber, Dr Péter Polt, Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral, rece­i­ved Mr Moha­med Shaw­ky Ayad, Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral of the Arab Repub­lic of Egypt, at his offi­ce. During the mee­ting, the two Pro­se­cu­tors Gene­ral sign­ed a memo­ran­dum of under­stand­ing on coope­ra­ti­on.

At the mee­ting, Dr. Péter Polt pre­sen­ted to his Egyp­ti­an col­le­ague the role of the Pro­se­cu­ti­on Ser­vi­ce in the Hun­ga­ri­an legal sys­tem, its com­pe­ten­ces and cons­ti­tu­ti­o­nal sta­tus. He under­li­ned the impor­tance of coope­ra­ti­on with vari­o­us inter­na­ti­o­nal orga­ni­sa­tions, as well as bila­te­ral coope­ra­ti­on.

The par­ti­es dis­cus­sed the pos­si­bi­li­ti­es of furt­her strengt­he­ning the rela­tions bet­ween the Hun­ga­ri­an and Egyp­ti­an pro­se­cu­ti­on ser­vi­ces, which both sides cons­ider impor­tant.

In this con­text, Dr. Péter Polt ment­ion­ed to his Egyp­ti­an col­le­ague the pos­si­bi­lity of par­ti­ci­pat­ing in the train­ing of spe­ci­a­li­sed pro­se­cu­tors in coope­ra­ti­on with the Hun­ga­ri­an Pro­se­cu­ti­on Ser­vi­ce, focus­ing on cyberc­ri­me, cor­rupt­ion and money laun­der­ing, for which the succ­ess­ful train­ing of Viet­na­me­se pro­se­cu­tors in Hun­gary ser­ves as a good examp­le.

In order to imp­ro­ve coope­ra­ti­on bet­ween the pro­se­cu­ti­on ser­vi­ces of the two count­ri­es, Dr. Péter Polt and Moha­med Shaw­ky Ayad sign­ed a memo­ran­dum of under­stand­ing on coope­ra­ti­on.

In the memo­ran­dum of under­stand­ing, the two par­ti­es strengt­he­ned their coope­ra­ti­on in the fight aga­inst inter­na­ti­o­nal crime. The pro­se­cu­ti­on ser­vi­ces of Hun­gary and Egypt will also coope­ra­te in the exc­han­ge of data and infor­ma­ti­on, the pre­pa­ra­ti­on of legal assis­tance requests and the orga­ni­sa­ti­on of expert-level mee­tings.

In the fra­me­work of his furt­her offi­ci­al prog­ramme, the Egyp­ti­an Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral held talks with Dr. Kata­lin Kovács Böször­mé­nyi­né, Deputy Pres­ident of the Curia, Dr. Tamás Sulyok, Pres­ident of the Cons­ti­tu­ti­o­nal Court, Dr. Csaba Hende, Vice Pres­ident of the Par­lia­ment, Dr. Róbert Répás­sy, Par­lia­men­tary State Sec­re­tary of the Ministry of Jus­ti­ce, and also visi­ted the Cent­ral Chief Pro­se­cu­ti­on Offi­ce of Investiga­ti­on.